Entries in Switching out picks (1)


Top Model Gambling: The Big Switch

Based on Denise Huxtable's (Liz's) recent trips to the bottom 2 and her constant diva attitude during photo shoots, I've decided to switch her out for Blockhead (Jane).  Honestly, this could be the death of me in the gambling pool because I will lose points for making this switch, but I'm deeply concerned about the way Denise Huxtable (Liz) has been treading seriously dangerous waters.  The teaser for Episode 5 makes it seem like it's getting worse too, because Denise Huxtable (Liz) gets involved with drama between Uma (Lexie) and ReRun (Kacey).  Tyra is not down with diva-licious drama girls who yell in people's faces.  So, I feel there is no other choice but to make this switch.  Wish me luck.  I have no idea if this is the right move.  Blockhead (Jane) is not a completely solid pick because she is not smizing in her photos. However, I hope she can pick up the pace and learn quickly -- for my sake.

Getting cut:  Denise Huxable (Liz)

Taking her place: Blockhead (Jane)